Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Well, today was a more restful day than yesterday. This kind of ebb and flow is very necessary right now. One day trying to do one or two things out of the house with the baby means the next day baby and I are very tired and must stay in the house and rest. The ratio is really even more than 1:1. It's more like 1:2 or 1:3 or so. Well this morning, the toothpick Julia had stepped on caused an infection in the bottom of her foot and she had to go to the doctor to get the pus drained and a week's worth of antibiotics as well. Gregory stayed late after school again today for Art class. And, Claire, John and Lewis all had a normal day at school. Then tonight while Thomas was holding him, Zachary hit his head lunging forward on the computer desk in the computer room, and now has a tiny cut/swollen area at the top of his right eyelid, near his eyebrow. We cleaned the area with water and put on some antibiotic ointment. Earlier in the evening, Thomas did some weeding in the backyard, and has been getting lots of dandelions out. I am very tired (I may have already mentioned that). Oh, and the new idea we are trying out is to motivate Claire, John and Lewis with stickers. Every Good behavior gets a sticker (worth 5 or 10 cents - still under negotiation), and then they can cash them in to buy something at a store, between 1-4 times a month (as long as it is healthy and Good). Cheers!

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